Sterilized grain bag instructions

To inoculate a sterilized grain bag with mycelium, you'll need a liquid culture syringe.

We recommend performing inoculation in a still air box or laminar flow hood to reduce the possibility of contamination. However, it's still possible to get good results without these tools—cleaning your working space, tools and materials with isopropyl alcohol is key.

Always handle liquid culture syringes using sterile technique, ensuring they are thoroughly shaken before use. Flame sterilize the needle (a regular lighter works fine), let it briefly cool down, then insert it into the grain bag's self-healing injection port. Inject 3-5 ml of liquid culture per 1.5 kg grain bag. If you intend to reuse your needle, sterilize it before and after each subsequent use.

For a visual demonstration of this technique, watch the video below.